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Jade's Lore
A Natural Mommy Blog

Hello, and thank you for visiting my blog today! I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself…
In a nutshell, I am a highly creative person whose hobbies include art, photography, writing, hiking, dancing, music and meditation. I love nature. I love being in it, and like to think I take measures in helping preserve it for future generations. I look to natural remedies and trust my own intuition as well as my own body and my own ability to heal and evolve. I am an avid advocate of breastfeeding babies because mother nature knows best!
I am also a career woman, who had my first (and only) baby at what the doctors call "Advanced Maternal Age". I realized a couple of key things that have profoundly changed my life:
1. I have always been extremely selfish; It wasn't until I had a dependent little being who relied on me for survival that it dawned on me. Now I not only want to help her, but others out there like me.
2. My daughter, Jade is the most important thing in my life. I don't know how I ever lived without her! She is my sunshine! Being a mother is far more important to me than my career. Now its just a means for me to provide her with everything she may need or want in life.
3. If I knew earlier what I know now, I believe I would have done things differently…at the same time, if any change meant that I wouldn't have my daughter now, I wouldn't change a thing! She gives my whole life meaning and direction. I only wish I hadn't waited so long to bring her into the world!
If I can help other new mothers in their struggles and tribulations as they grow into motherhood, then I feel that this blog is doing its job. I know how much I felt like I was floundering during my pregnancy. So many life-changing things happen!
Humans differ from animals mostly because of our ability to help each other learn. Everything we do is built on a foundation of others experiences which they relay to us, and we can constantly improve upon old ideas to increase our own quality of life. If your experiences as a mother are better than mine, then I am glad that I could contribute to your well being. If you know someone who might benefit from my acquired knowledge, please feel free to share this with them!
Also, if you happen to land here and you are a more experienced mother than me, then maybe you can relate to some of my stories. Or maybe you can discover something you didn't know before. This is also just a documented account of my experiences as a mother. If I invited you here and you know me personally, this may be a little more personal and insightful than my Facebook posts. I'm glad I can share these tidbits of my life and Jade's life with you! Thank you for your interest! I'm sorry if I don't visit with you as much as I should…motherhood is pretty involved and time consuming! Please subscribe so we can stay in touch!
I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to comment on any of my pages…
Also, please feel free to send me a message if you have any revelations of your own you would like to share, or for any reason at all! This blog is about motherhood, family, and connection. I hope you enjoy your child or children as much as I do mine!
- Latara D
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