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My Amazing All Natural Birth Plan

I first off wanted to put forth my Birth Plan as I had intended, as a new mother.

I thought it informative to other expectant mothers out there to see where my target was versus where my birth actually took me...No amount of planning can prepare you for reality. Your child is going to enter this world how and when they decide to. Its out of your control, and you are along for the ride!

"Dear Hospital Staff:

It is my goal to have a natural, calm Bradley method/hypnobirth delivery with minimal interruptions and minimal medical interventions, in both the birth process and after birth.

I would like to have the following accommodations available to me:

Dim lights

Birth ball

Shower or bath

Birth bar

Birth stool

Unattached to monitors or IV's.

NO epidural, episiotomies, or drugs.

NO cesarean section.

Privacy and few interruptions by staff.

Nobody rushing me or telling me when to “push”.

If time becomes an issue, I would like to have a doula present to assist, before other induction methods are discussed. If induction is necessary, I would like to receive a manual membrane sweep or cervix balloon as a first resort before Pitocin or any other drug induction. I DO NOT want my waters broken.

NO use of forceps or vacuums to extract the babies head. The baby's father will receive the baby upon birth.

NO use of tubes, suctions or interference to the baby once born, unless it is an EMERGENCY ONLY.

NO rush to clamp or cut the umbilical cord. The baby's father will do that.

NO rush to birth the placenta. I do not want to hemorrhage as a result of a nurse pulling it out prematurely. I will wait for it to pass naturally.

Once the baby is born, I want her laid skin to skin on my chest IMMEDIATELY. There is NO NEED to immediately wash wipe or prep her before I hold her.

Any and all procedures that are routine for the baby, such as blood draws, injections, tests, and the like, can WAIT until after at LEAST 2 hours of her being born, if not longer. It is my goal to allow as much peaceful bonding time with the newborn BEFORE any intrusive procedures are done, as long as there is no urgent reasons for doing so.

NO vitamin K injections or eye creams.

I would like to bathe my own child.

I would like to KEEP THE PLACENTA.

Thank you very much for respecting my space and my wishes!"



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