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When You Become A Mother

When you become a mother, everything changes.

When you become a mother, you willingly forfeit a piece of your soul to your child. That is why you feel a love so deeply it can break you. When you become a mother, you will experience such profound emotions that here-to-fore you never knew existed. Your child carries that piece of soul with them always, and when you are apart, you feel the hole that's there. It feels like a bottomless chasm. And when you are reunited with your child, you feel complete again.

When you become a mother, a piece of your child's DNA stays with you. You have a permanent and unshakable bond, and as your child grows, you evolve to keep up with them as they walk on their path. They change you and you will never be the same. You experience a new version of reality set apart from everything in your past. But you know it's for the better, because the world is brighter because your baby has entered into it.

When you become a mother, the tint of reality changes. It has a rosy, amber glow. Things have both a vivid richness and nostalgic faded hue, simultaneously. Rich, because you cherish every second with your child, and pale at the edges, because all other aspects in your life seem to feel less important. Its like you were looking at an old faded photo from the past and remembering it with intense clarity, as something indelibly etched into your brain. Its almost as if you start to experience a dimension beyond the senses.

When you become a mother, you and your child share a secret world together. You get to help shape each moment of it. And your baby may not remember all the way back to when they were born, but you do. These moments are made for you to cherish always. And these moments together will shape who they become. You are their first mentor in becoming a citizen of the world. They look to you for guidance and love in this hectic life. This invisible world you share is the seed from which they grow and evolve.

When you become a mother, you become a magical being. You realize how much strength and endurance you really have. You exceed your threshold as your rite of passage into the blessed status of motherhood. Only another mother can understand this metamorphosis that takes place; The true alchemy that turns your heart to gold. Your life has a clear and profound purpose. You have created life itself. You now proudly embrace the role of maintaining the existence of another human being.

When you become a mother, even though you now have a hole in your soul, you have never felt so fulfilled. When you become a mother, you gain direct access to an infinite wellspring of unbounded happiness and bliss. You can see the divine in your baby's eyes. It is pure and innocent and unfiltered. In turn, your child can see the divine in you. You are their creator, their god, their reason for existence. They look to you for guidance, knowledge and sustentation.

When you become a mother, you realize that there is no greater love experienced on earth. And each day, it only becomes stronger...


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