Thanks women's lib, but no thanks!

Thanks women's lib, but no thanks! You told me that my biggest aspiration was to emancipate myself from the traditional role of a woman as a mother and homemaker. You convinced me that this was not fulfilling; a thankless and oppressive role, and a waste of my time. You told me that I needed to be independent, to go out into the work force, to act more like a man than a woman. To get a career and "make something of myself" if I wanted to put my mark on the world....That I needed to put myself first and foremost, to not give my power away. Im glad I went against your best judgement. For never have I been so fulfilled as I am being a mother. It is my loftiest dream to be a stay-at-home mom and be with my child through all of her milestones. Feminism, you lied to me! To think I almost missed out on my greatest calling and the most rewarding role in my life. I only need to put my mark on one thing in this world- my child's heart! I don't need to impress the masses with my success…my biggest success is bringing a smile to my daughters precious little face. Of all of my creative endeavors, my daughter is my best creation! Never have I felt a deeper sense of love…never have I felt more of a reason for living... Being a mother is splendid! If thats all I had accomplished in life, that would be enough for me! I am woman...and mother, hear me roar!