In Utero Twin Supports Brother In Time Of Need

I just saw this video and completely lost my #%^$*
I suppose I am a sentimental person…But I cant believe how strongly I reacted when I saw this video.
I just started balling my eyes out!
I don't know if its a mother thing, or if I related because I had a miscarriage, and know what its like to expect and have things figuratively and literally fall through the cracks!
Its a difficult reality to face. First your painting a nursery and collecting stuffed animals and onesies from yard sales, and the next thing you know, you are grieving the loss of someone you will never even personally get to meet. (in terms of the conventional sense of the word, at least)
This little person whom you were expecting to develop a lifelong relationship with is abruptly extracted from your life. Its heartbreaking to have to inform all of those who you spread the joyous news to that its suddenly a no-go; "Oh, just kidding…false alarm!"
But also, what I find touching to the point of tears, is how bittersweet this is! It must be a comfort that this poor little dear, who doesn't stand a chance, save a miracle, is finding solace in a friend. If it had to happen, I suppose these are the ideal conditions in which to cope (for everyone involved).
It makes you wonder if this simple little gesture, and this brief interaction will place an indelible mark on the psyche of the surviving twin. Will she forever have some faint, distant recollection of her brother? Will she always be searching for that missing piece to fill the void in her life that her brother left behind.
One thing that I have found is, despite what they say in the medical journals, babies can be interminably compassionate and affectionate. I am sure this extends to fetuses as well. They are animated, spirited little creatures that exhibit tenderness and empathy even at a few weeks, or even days old.

I often find twin interactions to be particularly moving. What a special bond they get to experience! It reminds me of another twins story where one embraced the other as she struggled to survive after birth. This is an incredible, inspiring story!
All in all, I guess this is one of those life-affirming instances where we are shown the essence of being human on such a small, gentle, yet grandiose and staggering level. It also shows the therapeutic power of human interaction.
I count my blessings every day that I have a most exquisite treasure in my life more precious than gold. I hope to never take for granted the magnificence of having such a healthy, happy child. My heart goes out to every mother who has suffered a loss.